Dow Fence - Chain Link, Ornamental, Vinyl, Wood Fence

Security Fence - General Info

Security Fence - Anti-ClimbSecurity Fence - Anti-Climb

Small openings - no toe or finger holds. Welded wire mesh security fence is a superior security barrier for perimeters and critical infrastructure assets, such as bridges, pumping stations, fuel dumps, and chemical plants, and even for window screens, and security cages. Welded wire mesh security mesh has been manufactured in the United States since the early 1990's and is installed at nuclear power plants, truck manufacturing facilities, prisons, water treatment plants, railroad facilities, bridges and many other locations.

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Security Fence - Anti-CutSecurity Fence - Anti-Cut

Robust wire and welded joints make cutting very difficult. Welded wire mesh security fence has been the standard in Europe for over 20 years for security barrier applications where high security protection is a must. Developed in the 1980's by the British Prison Service, welded wire mesh security fence is routinely used in England and elsewhere in Europe as a security barrier to protect valued assets and to protect the general population from the bad guys.

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Security Fence - Economical

Welded wire mesh security fence is typically one third less expensive to install (in non-urban areas) compared to competing "Minimesh" chain link fence. It is also typically one half as expensive to install (in non-urban areas) compared to ornamental security grade fence.

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Security Fence - Visibility

Welded wire mesh security fence has a flat, two-dimensional profile, and is easier to see through than chain link.

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Contact us today for more information about a security fence.